As we look forward towards the completion of another year, we ponder about what message to write to our clients and readers of our quarterly newsletters. We have done two years of Covid themed Christmas messages, do we want another one? We think not, and with that we farewell Covid from the headlines (at least in our newsletters).
There’s certainly no shortage of negative issues replacing the Covid… wars, inflation, staff shortages etc. Let’s not mention these as these are well publicised. Instead, we just want to say thank you to all our highly valued clients for continuing to support us and being patient with us as we work through staff changes during the past year. We wish you all a very wonderful Christmas and New Year. Enjoy yourselves whether you choose to heed Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr’s message about reducing consumption to fight inflation, or not.
We’re closing our doors at 11:30am on 22 December 2022 and will reopen in the New Year on 18 January 2023.
We’re grateful for all your support in 2022.